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        Current location:Home > News > Company news

        Notification letter

        News source:HENAN JOINKONA MEDICAL PRODUCTS CO., LTD Release time:[2020-02-01]

        Dear friends and partners,


        How are you?


        As you may know, China was attacked by corona virus, but don’tworry about it, everything is under control.


        Today, we are writing to inform you that we are safe, ourplant is safe and our products are safe. Please believe us, our plant will tryour best to ensure the goods can be delivered on time. At the same time , wewant to keep you posted on our actual situation.


        Joinkona Medical as one of the leading power in disposablenon woven medical industry at home and abroad, since the beginning of thecorona virus, have actively engaged ourselves in anti-epidemic production, andprovided lots of protective instruments for the medical staff who adhere to thefront line. Moreover, Joinkona Medical has been listed as the key surgicalproducts production enterprise for epidemic prevention and control by the StateCouncil. All goods  especially medicalprotective covers are under the unified management and allocation of the state.


        Under this situation, we are afraid that some orders at handmay be delayed. But, as we said before, we will try our best to arrangeproduction more reasonably and meet your requirements. Any queries, let us knowkindly.


        Joinkona Medical wish you allpeace and health, and we firmly believe that we can win this epidemicprevention and control fight together.


        Henan JoinkonaMedical Products Stock Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1st Feb, 2020
